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BikeGremlin Hosting infrastructure

BikeGremlin hosting infrastructure


"BikeGremlin hosting" uses MDDHosting's services and infrastructure. I'm not hiding that - in fact I'm proud to say it.

After having tried dozens of different hosting providers over the past decade, I've concluded that MDDHosting is a secure, trustworthy, reliable, high-performance, top-quality provider. As I often say for such people and companies: "I'm happy to give my money to these people, because I wish to support what they are doing."

BikeGremlin prices are a bit lower (regular MDDHosting prices - affiliate link). Thanks to buying in bulk (and not taking up tech. support time), we got a good price, so it is profitable for us to "resell it" at a bit lower price (what is reseller hosting?).

In order to do website maintenance, it is important to know that no problems are caused by poor hosting service. That's what it boils down to.

BikeGremlin's website maintenance fee is $30 monthly / $300 annually.

You won't do wrong by ordering hosting directly from MDDHosting - just know that in that case, it is more time-consuming for us to do monitoring and maintenance (becaue then we won't have a direct access), so then we charge a $50 hourly rate or a $300 flat monthly rate (see BikeGremlin Extra WordPress maintenance page for details).

On the other hand, ordering BikeGremlin hosting + WordPress maintenance package is like having a good lawyer on a retainer:
It's best when you don't need it, but if you do, you feel happy to have it! :)

If it interests you, here you can see the full specs of BikeGremlin hosting plans.

Email service

MXroute servers and infrastructure are used for the email service available as an extra option for all the hosting clients.

For more details, you can read the article: Hosted email service pros and cons

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