Knowledge Base

WordPress maintenance FAQ

What does BikeGremlin hosting WordPress maintenance addon do for you?


We'll move (migrate) your website to our hosting, and make sure you no longer have to worry about WordPress updates breaking your site, or about securing your WordPress installation.

In detail

We will migrate your website and properly configure the install on our server.
We create a staging copy of your website and there we test every update to confirm it works fine - before making any updates on your production ("main") website.
We monitor uptime (your site's availability) from several different continents, and react in case of any problems.

What the service does NOT include

The service doesn't include the help with managing your WordPress - i.e. changing your menu, site layout, redesign and similar.
We are happy to help you with anything WordPress-related, but we must charge for our time - so for any extra help you can use our BikeGremlin consulting service.
Our regular consulting rate is $25 for 30 minutes of consulting, but all our WordPress maintenance customers get a full hour for that price (effectivelly a 50% discount).


This service comes with a $50 one-time setup fee, and then you pay $30 monthly or $300 annually (i.e. 16% discount for annual payments).

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